Enjoy Reading Our Archived Stories from Previous Editions

A restaurant with tables and chairs in front of the wall.

Pie House: The Fousts do it again!
Story by Steve Nussbaum | Photo by Erika Carter

November 17, 2022

Todd and Jilene Foust have a long history of coming to Possum Kingdom Lake, and the lake life runs deep in their veins. Todd Foust grew up in Graham…

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A herd of cattle grazing in the field.

Pigging Out at PK
Story by Bob Kaspar

November 17, 2022

Live camera footage trapping hogs courtesy of G93 Outdoors With few natural predators, opportunistic feeding habits and the ability to reproduce quickly, the feral hog population has exploded in…

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A man in an overalls and hat standing on the deck of a boat.

Raised in an early PK Fishing Camp
…oh the stories PK’s own Tom Ranft has to share…

November 17, 2022

Story by Michael Pearce | Photos contributed by Diane Ranft Tom Ranft on one of many fishing excursions. Tom Ranft is throwing in the towel. He said he’s had…

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Three people standing in front of a building with the smart hardware & building supply sign on it.

Smart Hardware helps build PK
Story by Steve Nussbaum | Photos by Erika Carter

November 17, 2022

Pictured left to right:  James and Jennifer Milton; John and Malinda Smart In 2009, John and Malinda Smart were living in Southlake and looking for a lake house at…

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A man and woman standing in the grass with cameras.

Winter Wings
Story by Bob Kaspar | Photo by Erika Carter

November 17, 2022

Pictured above:  Local PK residents Peter Gottschling, a retired chemist, and his wife, Lynne Aldrich, a retired hospital administrator, have been bird watching for 40 years. The song of…

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A group of people working on the ground.

Residential Pool Construction on the rise at PKStory
by Loretta Fulton

August 18, 2022

It didn’t take people long to realize that being outdoors was the perfect way to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic that struck with a vengeance in March 2020. As…

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A group of boats in the water with one boat on top.

Team Woody
Just a couple of good buddies from Texas that like to race boatsStory
by Michael Pearce | Photos courtesy of Ryan Walker

August 18, 2022

It’s an impressive armada that can be seen on Possum Kingdom Lake just about any day of the week. Among the eye-catching watercraft are $100,000 bass fishing boats –…

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A group of people standing on top of steps.

PK Couple The force behind Mineral Wells revitalization Story
by Steve Nussbaum | Photos courtesy of Misty Nix

August 18, 2022

Folks passing through Mineral Wells in the past few years might have noticed a huge change in the downtown area, and the driving force behind this urban renaissance is…

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A man and woman standing next to each other on the beach.

People you should know Timing, luck and faith brought these two couples to PK Story
by Steve Nussbaum | Photos by Erika Carter

August 18, 2022

Life changes can be scary, but they can provide unexpected rewards, too, as two Possum Kingdom couples can attest. One of those couples is Kirk and Wendy Farquhar, who…

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A man and woman water skiing in the ocean.

The Adventures of True PK Pioneers, Bobby and Carole Martin Story by Michael Pearce | Photos courtesy of Martha Martin

August 18, 2022

Bobby and Carole Martin — photos from yesteryear and today. Bobby Martin is the rare 90-year-old who still goes to work every day. What makes that fact even more…

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Pictured below: The upstairs has a large fame room and custom furniture for all the grandchildren to sleep and bring their friends, along with two more bedrooms with balcony access on the lakeside.

Pictured right: When the lake levels are up, the water appears to lead right up to the beautiful pool and patio.